Week 1, Grading Round 1, Wednesday the 19th of October 2016
Field 1 | # | Field 2 | # | Field 3 | # | Field 4 | # | Field 5 | # | Field 6 | # | |
6:00 | Linestrike | 1 | Easy Touch Tiger | 5 | Touch is life | 3 | Hammertime | 1 | VinoTeamT | 3 | 100 Shots | 4 |
Pigdon Peeps | 0 | Razzle Dazzle | 2 | Boats N Hoes | 5 | Muchos Touche | 3 | Phantoms | 3 | Touch & Go | 4 | |
6:20 | Linestrike | 2 | Razzle Dazzle | 4 | Boats N Hoes | 2 | Hammertime | 5 | VinoTeamT | 1 | 100 Shots | 4 |
Easy Touch Tiger | 1 | Pigdon Peeps | 0 | Muchos Touche | 3 | Touch is life | 1 | Touch & Go | 1 | Phantoms | 3 | |
6:40 | No woman no try | 1 | The Goodies | 5 | Don’t want no scrum | 1 | Killers Whales | 1 | Barlies | 1 | Cant Touch this | 3 |
The Royal Tenenbaums | 5 | Prety Astrid | 3 | Blue Ballers | 2 | Untouchables | 3 | Spiderpigs | 3 | Dust Donkeys | 3 | |
6:55 | The Royal Tenenbaums | 6 | Prety Astrid | 2 | Blue Ballers | 1 | Killers Whales | 4 | Spiderpigs | 1 | Cant Touch this | 5 |
The Goodies | 3 | No woman no try | 4 | Untouchables | 3 | Don’t want no scrum | 2 | Dust Donkeys | 1 | Barlies | 1 | |
7:15 | Putney Panthers | 3 | Sugar Gliders | 2 | Slightly Touched | 0 | UV Black | 1 | Team Touchasaurus | 3 | Touch Me In the Dark | 1 |
Ixtreme Team | 2 | Comic Book Heroes | 5 | Northsiders | 4 | The Nice tries | 3 | Electric Mayhem | 2 | Touched Up | 4 | |
7:35 | Putney Panthers | 4 | Sugar Gliders | 3 | Northsiders | 2 | UV Black | 3 | Team Touchasaurus | 3 | Touch Me In the Dark | 1 |
Comic Book Heroes | 5 | Ixtreme Team | 3 | The Nice tries | 5 | Slightly Touched | 4 | Touched Up | 3 | Electric Mayhem | 3 |
Bye: Dunneworthy, The Titans, Traded for a washing machine, Midas Touch, The Lost Children
Week 2, Grading Round 2, Wednesday the 26th of October 2016
Field 1 | # | Field 2 | # | Field 3 | # | Field 4 | # | Field 5 | # | Field 6 | # | |
6:00 | Linestrike | 2 | No woman no try | 4 | Heidelberg Dissenters | 1 | Killers Whales | 6 | Midas Touch | 0 | UV Black | 7 |
The Royal Tennenbaums | 3 | The Goodies | 2 | Out of Touch | 3 | Touch me in the dark | 0 | Team Touchasaurus | 4 | Touch and go | 3 | |
6:20 | The Royal Tennenbaums | 4 | Linestrike | 7 | Out of Touch | 5 | Killers Whales | 4 | Midas Touch | 0 | Touch and go | 3 |
No woman no try | 0 | The Goodies | 2 | Touch me in the dark | 3 | Heidelberg Dissenters | 2 | UV Black | 6 | Team Touchasaurus | 3 | |
6:40 | Razzle Dazzle | 1 | Untouchables | 6 | Blue Ballers | 2 | Pretty Astrid | 4 | Barlies | 4 | Electric Mayhem | 1 |
Ixtreme Team | 2 | Muchos Touche | 4 | Sugar Gliders |
5 | Spiderpigs | 3 | Phantoms | 3 | Don’t want no scrum | 4 | |
6:55 | Ixtreme Team | 3 | Razzle Dazzle | 6 | Sugar Gliders | 5 | Spiderpigs | 1 | Barlies | 4 | Electric Mayhem | 2 |
Untouchables | 4 | Muchos Touche | 0 | Don’t want no scrum | 1 | Blue Ballers | 3 | Pretty Astrid | 3 | Phantoms | 2 | |
7:20 | Dunneworthy | 5 | The Titans | 6 | Dust Donkeys | 0 | Touched Up | 1 | Hammertime | 0 | Touch is Life | 1 |
Traded for a washing machine | 3 | Lost Children | 0 | Cant Touch This | 6 | 100 shots | 0 | VinoTeamT | 3 | Boats and Hoes | 7 | |
7:35 | Dunneworthy | 4 | Traded for a washing machine | 2 | Cant Touch This | 6 | 100 shots | 5 | VinoTeamT | 2 | Touch is Life | 1 |
The Titans | 4 | Lost Children | 0 | Touched Up | 1 | Dust Donkeys | 3 | Boats and Hoes | 3 | Hammertime | 1 |
Bye: Slightly Touched, Northsiders, Comic Book Heroes, The Nice Tries, Easy Touchy Tiger, Putney Panthers, Pigdon Peeps
Week 3, Regular Season Round 1, Wednesday the 02nd of November 2016
Field 1 | # | Field 2 | # | Field 3 | # | Field 4 | # | Field 5 | # | Field 6 | # | |
6:00 | Linestrike | 10 | Putney Panthers | 7 | Razzle Dazzle | 3 | Touched Up | 8 | Touch is Life | 1 | VinoTeam T | 8 |
The Titans | 8 | Pigdon Peeps | 7 | Easy Touchy Tiger | 4 | Hammertime | 6 | Electric Mayhem | 5 | Spiderpigs | 6 | |
6:45 | Comic Book Heroes | 8 | Royal Tenenbaums | 8 | Untouchables | 12 | Nights Watch | 1 | Slightly Touched | 7 | Team Touchasaursu | 1 |
Northsiders | 8 | Nice tries | 10 | Blue Ballers | 4 | Heidelberg Dissenters | 9 | Ixtreme Team | 2 | The Goodies | 7 | |
7:25 | Dunneworthy | 8 | Traded for a washing Machine | 8 | Killers Whales | 12 | Out of Touch | 6 | Boats and Hoes | 2 | Phantoms | 7 |
Cant touch this | 7 | Lost Children | 6 | Touch and go | 0 | Muchos Touche | 4 | Dont want no Scrun | 3 | Midas Touch | 3 |
Bye: UV Black, No woman no try, Pretty Astrid, Touch Me In the Dark, Barlies, Sugar Gliders, 100 shots, Dust Donkeys
Week 4, Regular Season Round 2, Wednesday the 09th of November 2016
Field 1 | # | Field 2 | # | Field 3 | # | Field 4 | # | Field 5 | # | Field 6 | # | |
6:00 | Nice Tries | 6 | UV Black | 11 | Sugar Gliders | 4 | No woman no try | 11 | Touch and Go | 4 | Boats N Hoes | 5 |
Comic Book Heroes | 15 | Can’t touch this | 14 | Ixtreme Team | 9 | 100 Shots | 7 | Midas Touch | 6 | Touch me in the dark | 7 | |
6:45 | Easy Touchy Tiger | 8 | Northsiders | 6 | Putney Panthers | 9 | The Goodies | 8 | Touched Up | 4 | Pretty Astrid | 3 |
Traded for a washing machine | 7 | The Titans | 7 | Lost Children | 2 | Slightly Touched | 6 | Untouchables | 4 | Killers Whales | 12 | |
7:30 | Dunneworthy | 7 | VinoTeamT | 4 | Blue Ballers | 5 | Spiderpigs | 5 | Heidelberg Dissenters | 9 | The Nights Watch | 4 |
Pigdon Peeps | 8 | Out of touch | 12 | Barlies | 7 | Dust Donkeys | 7 | Electric Mayhem | 9 | Touch is life | 11 |
Bye: Royal Tennenbaums, Linestrike, Razzel Dazzle Team Touchasaurus, Hammertime, Muchos Touche, Phantoms, Don’t want no scrum
Week 5, Regular Season Round 3, Wednesday the 16th of November 2016
Field 1 | # | Field 2 | # | Field 3 | # | Field 4 | # | Field 5 | # | Field 6 | # | |
6:00 | Royal Tennenbaums | 7 | Linestrike | 10 | Pretty Astrid | 17 | Razzle Dazzle | 5 | Untouchables | 7 | Phantoms | 11 |
The Titans | 8 | Pigdon Peeps | 5 | Team Touchasaurus | 7 | UV Black | 7 | No woman no try | 9 | Heidelberg Dissenters | 11 | |
6:45 | Dunneworthy | 11 | Comic Heroes | 10 | Sugar Gliders | 0 | Out of Touch | 5 | Hammertime | 7 | Touch and Go | 3 |
Killers Whales | 11 | Easy Touchy Tiger | 7 | Dust Donkeys | 6 | Lost Children | 5 | Muchos Touche | 6 | Dont want no scrum | 5 | |
7:35 | Traded for a washing machine | 9 | Nice Tries | 7 | 100 Shots | 5 | Slightly Touched | 9 | Touch me in the dark | 7 | Boats and Hoes | 10 |
Putney Panthers | 7 | Northsiders | 8 | Blue Ballers | 7 | Barlies | 5 | Midas Touch | 2 | The Nights watch | 5 |
Bye: Touched Up, The Goodies, Can’t Touch this, VinoteamT, Electric Mayhem, Touch is life, Ixtreme Team, Spiderpigs
Week 6, Regular Season Round 4, Wednesday the 23rd of November 2016
Field 1 | # | Field 2 | # | Field 3 | # | Field 4 | # | Field 5 | # | Field 6 | # | |
6:00 | Linestrike | 10 | UV Black | 4 | Nice Tries | 2 | Dust Donkeys | 5 | Ixtreme Team | 5 | Spiderpigs | 9 |
Comic Heroes | 5 | Pigdon Peeps | 8 | Easy Touchy Tiger | 7 | Out of Touch | 8 | The Goodies | 7 | Touched Up | 3 | |
6:50 | Dunneworthy | 8 | Northsiders | 9 | VinoteamT | 8 | Pretty Astrid | 10 | Muchos Touche | 9 | Midas Touch | 6 |
Razzle Dazzle | 2 | Can’t Touch this | 12 | Barlies | 8 | Hammertime | 2 | 100 shots | 8 | Nights Watch | 1 | |
7:40 | Royal Tennenbaums | 10 | Team Touchasurus | 4 | Slightly Touched | 4 | Dont want no scrum | 6 | Phantoms | 17 | Heidelberg | 5 |
Putney Panthers | 3 | Touch me in the dark | 9 | No woman no try | 8 | Sugar Gliders | 5 | Electric Mayhem | 5 | Touch is life | 2 |
Bye: Killers Whales, Untouchables, Blue Ballers, Touch and Go. Boats N Hoes, The Titans, Traded for a washing machine, The Lost Children
Week 7, Regular Season Round 5, Wednesday the 30th of November 2016
Field 1 | # | Field 2 | # | Field 3 | # | Field 4 | # | Field 5 | # | Field 6 | # | |
6:05 | Linestrike | 7 | Dust Donkeys | 4 | Pretty Astrid | 9 | Touch me in the dark | 5 | Dont want no scrum | 8 | Touch and Go | 10 |
Cant touch this | 4 | UV Black | 9 | Barlies | 5 | Untouchables | 6 | Heidelberg Dissenters | 4 | The Nights watch | 2 | |
6:55 | Comic Heroes | 4 | Goodies | 5 | Lost Children | 5 | Sugar Gliders | 9 | Phantoms | 16 | 100 Shots | 8 |
Dunneworthy | 12 | No woman no try | 11 | Razzle Dazzle | 10 | Team Touchasaurus | 4 | Touched Up | 3 | Electric Mayhem | 6 | |
7:45 | Traded For a washing machine | 3 | The Royal Tennebaums | 9 | Blue Ballers | 5 | Ixtreme Team | 12 | Spiderpigs | 5 | Touch is life | 2 |
The titans | 7 | Killers Whales | 8 | Hammertime | 4 | Muchos Touche | 4 | VinoteamT | 4 | Boats and Hoes | 3 |
Bye: Slightly Touched, Midas Touch, Out of touch, The Nice tries, Northsiders, Putney Panthers, Pigdon Peeps, Easy Touchy Tiger
Week 8, Regular Season Round 6, Wednesday the 07th of December 2016
Field 1 | # | Field 2 | # | Field 3 | # | Field 4 | # | Field 5 | # | Field 6 | # | |
6:10 | Linestrike | 9 | Out of touch | 5 | Lost Children | 2 | Blue Ballers | 7 | Spiderpigs | 6 | Electric Mayhem | 9 |
Royal Tennnenbaums | 6 | Putney Panthers | 11 | The Goodies | 7 | VinoteamT | 9 | Phantoms | 12 | Team Touchasaurus | 5 | |
7:00 | Easy Touchy Tiger | 6 | Traded for a washing machine | 4 | Nice Tries | 10 | Untouchables | 6 | Dont want no scrum | 1 | The Nights watch | 3 |
The Titans | 6 | Razzle Dazzle | 9 | Killers Whales | 9 | Ixtreme Team | 15 | Slightly Touched | 11 | Touch is life | 5 | |
7:50 | Pigdon peeps | 12 | Northsiders | 4 | Touched Up | 4 | Barlies | 13 | Muchos Touche | 9 | Hammertime | 11 |
Can’t Touch this | 5 | No woman no try | 9 | 100 shots | 5 | Midas Touch | 3 | Boats N Hoes | 8 | Touch & Go | 5 |
Bye: Dunneworthy, Comic Heroes, Heidelberg Dissenters, Sugar Gliders, Touch Me In the Dark, UV Black, Pretty Astrid, Dust Donkeys
Week 9, Regular Season Round 7, Wednesday the 14th of December 2016
Field 1 | # | Field 2 | # | Field 3 | # | Field 4 | # | Field 5 | # | Field 6 | # | |
6:15 | Pigdon Peeps | 5 | Northsiders | 8 | UV Black | 7 | Dust Donkeys | 4 | Heidelberg Dissenters | 2 | VinoteamT | 11 |
The Titans | 6 | Razzle Dazzle | 5 | Nice Tries | 8 | Killers Whales | 11 | Electric Mayhem | 3 | Untouchables | 8 | |
7:05 | Dunneworthy | 10 | Comic Heroes | 9 | The Goodies | 8 | Touch and go | 6 | Lost Children | 8 | Midas Touch | 5 |
Traded for a washing machine | 5 | Putney Panthers | 1 | Out of touch | 3 | Touched Up | 9 | Touch me in the dark | 4 | Team Touchasaurus | 8 | |
7:55 | Pretty Astrid | 6 | Easy Touchy Tiger | 4 | Blue Ballers | 6 | Boats N Hoes | 10 | Phantoms | 2 | Don’t want no scrum | 5 |
Slightly Touched | 6 | Linestrike | 9 | Spiderpigs | 3 | Sugar Gliders | 4 | Ixtreme team | 13 | Touch is life | 0 |
Bye: Can’t Touch this, Barlies, The Royal Tennenbaums, No woman no try, 100 Shots, Muchos Touche, Hammertime, The Nights Watch
Christmas Break
Week 10, Regular Season Round 8, Wednesday the 11th of January 2017
Field 1 | # | Field 2 | # | Field 3 | # | Field 4 | # | Field 5 | # | Field 6 | # | |
6:10 | Comic Heroes | 12 | Northsiders | 6 | Pigdon Peeps | 6 | UV Black | 8 | Titans | 0 | Heidelberg Dissenters | 2 |
No woman no try | 8 | Royal Tennenbaums | 10 | Nice Tries | 7 | Putney Panthers | 5 | Cant touch this | 3 | Spiderpigs | 6 | |
7:00 | Dunneworthy | 7 | Razzle Dazzle | 5 | Ixtreme team | 8 | Out of Touch | 7 | Midas Touch | 8 | Sugar Gliders | 7 |
Easy Touchy Tiger | 4 | Traded for a washing machine | 1 | Pretty Astrid | 3 | Lost Children | 6 | The Nights Watch | 4 | 100 Shots | 2 | |
7:50 | Slightly Touched | 7 | Killers Whales | 22 | Touch me in the dark | 12 | Blue Ballers | 13 | Barlies | 17 | Team Touchasaurus | 5 |
Dust Donkeys | 5 | The Goodies | 4 | Phantoms | 10 | Muchos Touche | 8 | Hammertime | 4 | Touched Up | 10 |
Bye:Untouchables, Touch and Go, Touch is life, Electric Mayhem, Don’t want no scrum, Linestrike, Boats N Hoes, VinoTeamT
Week 11, Regular Season Round 9, Wednesday the 18th of January 2017
Field 1 | # | Field 2 | # | Field 3 | # | Field 4 | # | Field 5 | # | Field 6 | # | |
6:10 | No woman no try | 6 | Linestrike | 6 | Dust Donkeys | 1 | The Goodies | 5 | Ixtreme Team | 5 | Muchos Touche | 9 |
Cant touch this | 9 | Nice Tries | 10 | Lost Children | 2 | Pretty Astrid | 10 | Killers Whales | 10 | VinoTeamT | 7 | |
7:00 | Dunneworthy | 10 | Comic Heroes | 7 | UV Black | 10 | Putney Panthers | 6 | Untouchablkes | 11 | Barlies | 6 |
Royal Tennebaums | 6 | Pigdon Peeps | 9 | Easy Touchy Tiger | 13 | Northsiders | 4 | Hammertime | 3 | Touch me in the dark | 6 | |
7:50 | Out of Touch | 3 | Touch is Life | 7 | Heidelberg Dissenters | 6 | Sugar Gliders | 9 | 100 Shots | 9 | Boats N Hoes | 8 |
Slightly Touched | 5 | Touch and Go | 0 | Electric Mayhem | 8 | Midas Touch | 4 | Nights Watch | 5 | Dont want no scrum | 4 |
Bye Razzle Dazzle, Spiderpigs, Phantoms, Team Touchasaursus, Touched Up, Blue Ballers, Traded For A Washing Machine, The Titans
Week 12, Regular Season Round 10, Wednesday the 25th of January 2017
Field 1 | # | Field 2 | # | Field 3 | # | Field 4 | # | Field 5 | # | Field 6 | # | |
6:05 | Comic Heroes | 13 | Touch and Go | 8 | Blue Ballers | 8 | Boats and Hoes | 10 | Sugar Gliders | 12 | Dont want not scrum | 4 |
Cant touch this | 4 | Nights watch | 6 | Phantoms | 5 | Touched Up | 1 | Electric Mayhem | 9 | Hammertime | 5 | |
6:55 | Dunneworthy | 10 | Linestrike | 10 | Spiderpigs | 7 | Out of Touch | 8 | Team Touchasaursu | 11 | 100 Shots | 10 |
The Titans | 8 | Razzle Dazzle | 0 | Muchos Touche | 6 | Traded for a washing machine | 4 | Touch is life | 1 | Heidelberg Dissenters | 3 | |
7:45 | Pigeon Peeps | 5 | No woman no try | 11 | Pretty Astrid | 8 | Easy Touchy Tiger | 14 | VinoteamT | 6 | Barlies | 7 |
Royal Tennenbaums | 0 | UV Black | 4 | Slightly Touched | 4 | Putney Panthers | 5 | Untouchables | 13 | Dust Donkeys | 5 |
Bye: Touch me in the dark, Ixtreme team, The Goodies, Killers Whales, Lost Children, Midas Touch, Northsiders, Nice Tries
Week 13, Regular Season Round 11, Wednesday the 01st of February 2017
Field 1 | # | Field 2 | # | Field 3 | # | Field 4 | # | Field 5 | # | Field 6 | # | |
6:00 | UV Black | 12 | Titans | 8 | Nice Tries | 5 | Royal Tennenbaums | 11 | Pretty Astrid | 7 | The Goodies | 8 |
Northsiders | 8 | No woman no try | 7 | Cant touch this | 6 | Razzle Dazzle | 4 | Killers Whales | 9 | Ixtreme Team | 11 | |
6:50 | Dunneworthy | 4 | Lost Children | 5 | Boats and Hoes | 7 | VinoteamT | 4 | Barlies | 4 | Dont want no scrum | 6 |
Linestrike | 11 | Traded for a washing machine | 6 | Sugar Glider | 8 | Blue Ballers | 4 | Untouchables | 5 | Electric Mayhem | 4 | |
7:40 | Phantoms | 5 | Spiderpigs | 1 | Touched Up | 11 | Midas Touch | 7 | Team Touchasaurus | 9 | Touch is life | 5 |
Muchoes Touche | 10 | Touch me in the dark | 2 | Hammertime | 10 | Touch and go | 4 | 100 Shots | 9 | The nights watch | 5 |
Bye: Pigdon Peeps, Putney Panthers, Easy Touchy Tiger, Comic Heroes, Heidelberg Dissenters, Dust Donkeys, Out of touch, Slightly Touched
Week 14, Regular Season Round 12, Wednesday the 08th of February 2017
Teams missing finals playoff for places at PPT. So all teams play (subject to byes). This is not the last week for any team.
Field 1 | # | Field 2 | # | Field 3 | # | Field 4 | # | Field 5 | # | Field 6 | # | |
6:00 | Pigdon Peeps | 5 | Linestrike | 13 | Spiderpigs | 9 | Electric Mayhem | 7 | Heidelberg Dissenters | 4 | Midas touch | 4 |
Easy Touchy Tiger | 10 | UV Black | 9 | Phantoms | 3 | Touched Up | 4 | Touch is life | 4 | Team Touchasaurus | 8 | |
6:50 | Dunneworthy | 5 | Royal Tennebaums | 2 | The Titans | 11 | Can’t touch this | 10 | No woman no try | 11 | Nights watch | 7 |
Putney Panthers | 5 | Comic Heroes | 5 | The Nice Tries | 8 | Northsiders | 5 | Razzle Dazzle | 4 | Touch and Go | 5 | |
7:35 | Slightly Touched | 5 | Ixtrene Team | 5 | Untouchables | 13 | Killers Whales | 12 | Touch me in the Dark | 2 | VinoTeamT | 5 |
The Goodies | 3 | Out of touch | 7 | Blue Ballers | 4 | Traded for a washing machine | 5 | Lost Childrem | 7 | Dust Donkeys | 14 |
Bye: Pretty Astrid, Sugar Gliders, 100 Shots, Muchos Touche, Hammertime, Barlies, Don’t want no scrum, Boats N Hoes
Week 15, Semi Finals/playoffs, Wednesday the 15th of February 2017
Teams missing finals playoff for places at PPT. So all teams play (subject to byes).
Games listed below in bold are finals games.
Field 1 | # | Field 2 | # | Field 3 | # | Field 4 | # | Field 5 | # | Field 6 | # | |
6:00 | Linestrike | Team Touchasaurus | 6 | Untouchables | 11 | Ixtreme Team | 2 | Touch me in the dark | 7 | Muchos Touche | 7 | |
Comic Heroes | Hammertime | 9 | Blue Ballers | 1 | Slightly Touched | 6 | Barlies | 7 | Dust Donkeys | 10 | ||
6:45 | Dunneworthy | 7 | Dont Want no scrum | 8 | Boats N Hoes | 5 | 100 Shots | 6 | Touch is life | 1 | Traded for a washing machine | 6 |
No woman no try | 4 | Electric Mayhem | 4 | Sugar Gliders | 14 | Heidelberg Dissenters | 4 | Midas Touch | 6 | Lost Children | 5 | |
7:30 | Easy Touchy Tiger | 15 | The Titans | 7 | Nice Tries | 6 | Royal Tennenbaums | 7 | Killers Whales | 11 | Northsiders | 8 |
Pigdon Peeps | 2 | Cant Touch this | 7 | Putney Panthers | 6 | UV Black | 5 | Pretty Astrid | 9 | Out of Touch | 9 |
Bye: Razzle Dazzle, Spiderpigs, Phantoms, VinoTeamT, The Goodies, Touched Up, Touch & Go, The Nights Watch
Week 16, Grand Finals/playoffs, Wednesday the 22nd of February 2017 – final week
Teams missing finals playoff for places at PPT. So all teams play (subject to byes).
Games in Bold are Finals
Field 1 | # | Field 2 | # | Field 3 | # | Field 4 | # | Field 5 | # | Field 6 | # | Field 7 | # | |
6:00 | Pigdon Peeps | 4 | 100 Shots | 10 | Killers Whales | 11 | Ixtreme Team | 4 | Razzle Dazzle | 0 | Phantoms | 5 | Electric Mayhem | 9 |
Nice Tries | 12 | Midas Touch | 2 | Slightly Touched | 3 | Pretty Astrid | 14 | UV Black | 5 | Boats and Hoes | 11 | Hammertime | 5 | |
6:45 | Team Random | 5 | Untouchables | 6 | Easy Touchy Tiger | 7 | Royal Tennenbaums | 7 | The Goodies | 10 | Barlies | 7 | Touch is life | 3 |
Traded for a washing machine | 4 | Touch me in the dark | 4 | Titans | 8 | Putney Panthers | 10 | Northsiders | 7 | Lost Children | 4 | Team Touchasaurus | 11 | |
7:30 | Spiderpigs | 3 | Don’t want no scrum | 5 |
Linestrike |
8 | Touched Up | 7 | Touch and Go | 10 | Muchos Touche | 3 | ||
Dust Donkeys | 9 | Sugar Gliders | 7 | Dunneworthy | 4 | Heidelberg Dissenters | 7 | Nights Watch | 5 | Vino TeamT | 7 |
Bye: Comic heroes, No woman not try, Can’t touch this, Blue Ballers