Thursday results 2020-21

Thursday – Grading Round 1 and SWITCH week 4

3rd of December, 2020

Week 1 will be a grading round comprising two half length games (equal to one full length game) for the mixed teams. These games are used to assess the level of play for teams.

Mens games are for points and will be full length. More info on our season structure is available here.

  Field 1 # Field 2 # Field 3 # Field 4 #
6:10 Touchy Feely 1 The Groupers 3 PPT Yellow 3 firstTOUCH 6
No Rucks to Give 0 Nabtural Talent 1 Starsky and Touch 8 Turtles 6
6:30 The Groupers 4 Nabtural Talent 4        
Touchy Feely 0 No Rucks to Give 0        
7:00 Stingers 8 Cowboys Angels 4 PPT Blue 6 PPT Funny Ruckers 6
Sugar Glider 4 EMU-SING 10 Lobster Corgi Storm 9 SMOBA´s 2
7:50 Scrum On Eileen 1 Team Venkat 1 Goodies 1 Gerry Rovers 0
Can Probably Touch This 1 Soy Latte 1 100 Shots 1 Good times and freinds 3
8:10 Soy Latte 3 Team Venkat 4 Goodies 3    
Scrum On Eileen 2 Can Probably Touch This 2 Good times and freinds 2    

Bye: RuPaul's Tag Race, Tagliatelle

Thursday week 2 – Grading Round 2 (for mixed)

10th of December, 2020

Week 2 will be a grading round comprising two half length games (equal to one full length game) for the mixed teams. These games are used to assess the level of play for teams.

  Field 1 # Field 2 # Field 3 # Field 4 #
6:15 Gerry Rovers 2 Can probably touch this 3 Cowboys Angels 13 Lobster Corgi Storm 5
Scrum on Eileen 2 No Rucks to Give 5 SMOBA's 4 Emu-Sing 6
6:30 Scrum on Eileen 1 Gerry Rovers 2        
 No Rucks to Give 5 Can probably touch this 1        
7:05 Pink Panthers 3 PPT Funny Ruckers 4 PPT Blue 3 PPT Yellow 6
Park Princesses 0 FirstTouch 9 Starsky and Touch 7 Turtles 8
7:55 Stingers 7 RuPaul's Tag Race 0 Good times and friends 5 Team Venkat 2
100 shots 2 Tagliatelle 4 Soy Latte 1 Goodies 3
8:10 Tagliatelle 4 RuPaul's Tag Race 4 Good times and friends 2 Team Venkat 2
Stingers 1 100 shots 3 Goodies 2 Soy Latte 4

Bye: Sugar Gliders, The Groupers, Nabtural Talent, Touchy Feely

Thursday week 3

17th of December, 2020

Week 3 will be regular competition for all teams. More info on our season structure is available here.


  Field 1 # Field 2 # Field 3 # Field 4 # Field 5 #
6:15 Tagliatelle 10 Soy Latte 9 Cowboys Angels 6 PPT Blue 7    
Ru Pauls tag race 0 Can Probably Touch This 1 Lobster Corgi Storm 6 PPT Funny Ruckers 3    
7:05 Park Princesses 1 PPT Yellow 2 EMU-SING 7 Starsky and Touch 6 Good times and friends 5
Stratagems 2 SMOBA´s 9 firstTouch 8 Turtles 8 Groupers 2
7:55 Sugar Gliders 7 The Goodies 8 Scrum On Eileen 1 No Rucks to Give 5    
Stingers 10 Nabtural Talent 6 Touchy Feely 5 Gerry Rovers 6    

Bye: Team Venkat, 100 Shots, Pink Panthers

Christmas Break

Thursday week 4

7th of January, 2021


  Field 1 # Field 2 # Field 3 # Field 4 #
6:15 Goodies 2         Touchy Feely 0
Ru Pauls tag race 12         Gerry Rovers 3
7:05 Tagliatelle 7 100 Shots 5 PPT Funny Ruckers 12 Good times and friends 4
Stingers 5 Sugar Gliders 7 PPT Yellow 0 Nabtural Talent 3
7:55 No Rucks to give 9 FirstTouch 12 Scrum on Eileen 9 PPT Blue 9
Can probably touch this 6 Starsky and Touch 6 Team Venkat 2 Cowboys Angels 8

Bye: Pink Panthers, Stratagems, Park Princesses, SMOBAs, EMUsing, Turtles, Lobster Corgi Storm, The Groupers, Soy Latte

Thursday week 5

14th of January, 2021


  Field 1 # Field 2 # Field 3 # Field 4 #
6:15 100 Shots 5 Gerry Rovers 11 Turtles 4 PPT Funny Ruckers 7
Good times and friends 13 Soy Latte 0 EMUsing 11 Cowboys Angels 4
7:05 Pink Panthers 11 Team Venkat 2 SMOBA´s 10 PPT Blue 10
Stratagems 1 Can Probably Touch This 5 Lobster Corgi Storm 17 PPT Yellow 5
7:55 The Groupers 6 Tagliatelle 10 Stingers 11 Touchy Feely 7
Nabtural Talent 4 Sugar Gliders 1 RuPaul's Tag Race 5 No Rucks to give 2

Bye: FirstTouch, Starsky and Touch, Goodies, Scrum On Eileen, Park Princesses

Thursday week 6

21st of January, 2021


  Field 1 # Field 2 # Field 3 # Field 4 #
6:15 RuPaul's Tag Race 7 Good Times and Friends 2 100 Shots 2 PPT Blue 5
Sugar Gliders 11 Stingers 11 Gerry Rovers 8 Turtles 5
7:05 Pink Panthers 7 EMUSing 7 FirstTouch 10 SMOBAs 8
Park Princesses 1 PPT Funny Ruckers 2 Lobster Corgi Storm 6 Starsky & Touch 9
7:55 The Goodies 3 No Rucks to Give 6 Soy Latte 4 Nabtural Talent 7
The Groupers 7 Team Venkat 8 Touchy Feely 3 Scrum on Eileen 4

Bye:  PPT Yellow, Cowboys Angels, Tagliatelle, Can Probably Touch This, Stratagems

Thursday week 7

28th of January, 2021


  Field 1 # Field 2 # Field 3 # Field 4 #
6:10 Tagliatelle 5 Scrum on Eileen 3 The Groupers 8 Turtles 9
Gerry Rovers 16 No Rucks to Give 4 100 Shots 6 SMOBA´s 7
7:00 Pink Panthers 4 Soy Latte 13 FirstTouch 14 EmuSing 12
Stratagems 4 Team Venkat 4 Cowboys Angels 6 Starsky and Touch 2
7:50 RuPauls Tag Race 4 The Goodies 6 Touchy Feely 11 PPT Yellow 4
Good Times and friends 5 Nabtural talent 4 Can probably touch this 5 Lobster Corgi Storm 8

Bye: PPT Blue, PPT Funny Ruckers, Park Princesses, Stingers, Sugar Gliders

Thursday week 8

4th of February, 2021


  Field 1 # Field 2 # Field 3 # Field 4 #
6:00 The Goodies 7 Stingers 6 The Groupers 8 Touchy Feely 1
RuPauls Tag race 5 Tagliatelle 9 Sugar Gliders 8 Team Venkat 0
6:50 Stratagems 4 EMUsing 10 Cowboys Angels 11 PPT Blue 6
Park Princesses 2 Turtles 5 PPT Yellow 4 Lobster Corgi Storm 8
7:40 100 Shots 5 Soy Latte 5 Scrum On Eileen 3 PPT Funny Ruckers 4
Nabtural Talent 3 No Rucks to give 5 Can Probably touch this 4 Starsky & Touch 5

Bye: Pink Panthers, FirstTouch, SMOBA´s, Gerry Rovers, Good times and friends

Thursday week 9

11th of February, 2021

This is the Final week of the womens social season. The top two womens teams will play in the Grand Final. The third placed womens team will play the lowest ranked mixed team who has not had a bye yet. Following the round there will be a presentation at the ground followed by dinner at the GNH (tables will be booked).


  Field 1 # Field 2 # Field 3 # Field 4 #
6:00 Tagliatelle 10 The Goodies 6 Touchy Feely 0 RuPaul's Tag Race 5
Good times and friends 5 100 Shots 9 No Rucks to give 1 Soy Latte 8
6:50 Pink Panthers 7 Can Probably Touch This 4 firstTOUCH 13 Park Princesses 5
Stratagems 3 Nabtural Talent 12 Turtles 4 Scrum on Eileen 5
7:35 Gerry Rovers 7 PPT Blue 3 SMOBAs 2 Sugar Gliders 6
Stingers 8 Cowboys Angels 3 PPT Funny Ruckers 8 Groupers 3

Bye: EMUsing, Lobster Corgi Storm, Starsky and Touch, PPT Yellow

  • Team Venkat has been expelled from the competition

Thursday week 10

18th of February, 2021


  Field 1 # Field 2 # Field 3 # Field 4 #
6:00 Touchy Feely 4 Starsky & Touch  6 Lobster Corgi Storm 9 Scrum On Eileen 1
Nabtural talent 3 PPT Blue 3 PPT Funny Ruckers 4 Soy Latte 7
6:50 100 Shots 9 Sugar Gliders 8 Tagliatelle 8 Good times and friends 8
PPT Parrots 6 Gerry Rovers 4 Stingers 3 The Goodies 5
7:35 No Rucks to Give 11 SMOBAs 9 firstTOUCH 5 Groupers 5
Can Probably Touch this 7 PPT Yellow 4 EMUsing 11 RuPauls Tag race 7

Bye: Cowboys Angels, Turtles

Thursday week 11 – semi finals and playoffs

25th of February, 2021

Games in bold are semi finals. Please note there is no extra time at PPT, in the event of a draw (or tied round robin). The team higher/highest on the ladder is declared the winner for finals purposes. B Grade mixed semi finals will be a three way round robin, between Sugar Glider, Groupers and 100 Shots. The winner of the round robin will play Good times and friends in the B Grade grand final in week 12.
Field 1 #
6:00 Groupers 6
100 Shots 1
6:20 Groupers 4
Sugar Gliders 3
6:45 Sugar Glider 6
100 Shots 5
7:05 PPT Parrots 2
Goodies 1
7:30 RuPauls Tag Race 2
PPT Parrots 4
7:50 Goodies 4
Rupauls tag race 3
The game between Tagliatelle and Good times and Friends is a friendly, both teams are already through to the grand final in week 12.
Field 2 # Field 3 # Field 4 #
6:00 Gerry Rovers 4 Cowboys Angels 7 EMUsing 14
Stingers 7 SMOBAs 5 Turtles 7
6:45 Tagliatelle 8 Starsky and Touch 3 Touchy Feely 9
Good times and friends 4 PPT Yellow 2 No Rucks to Give 4
7:30 Nabtural Talent 8 firstTOUCH 5 Soy Latte 8
Scrum on Eileen 4 Lobster Corgi Storm 8 Can Probably Touch this 3
Bye: PPT Funny Ruckers, PPT Blue

Thursday week 12 – Grand finals and playoffs – last weeek for mixed

4th of March, 2021

This week is the last night and grand finals and playoffs for mixed teams. Importantly teams missing out on grand finals still playoff for final position, so all teams will be playing in week 12.

For those games that are finals there is no extra time so in the event of a draw the team placed higher on the ladder is declared the “winner”. We highly encourage you to join us at the GNH for our presentations and an end of season drink.

Note this is not the last week for Mens teams, their semi finals (and playoffs) are tonight, but their grand finals are in week 13.

  Field 1 # Field 2 # Field 3 # Field 4 # Field 5 #
6:00 No Rucks to give 3 PPT Funny Ruckers 3 Turtles 5 Starsky and Touch 3    
Nabtural Talent 6 Cowboys Angels 2 Lobster Corgi Storm 6 PPT Blue 3    
6:45 Good times and friends 8 100 Shots 2 Gerry Rovers 5 Soy Latte 4 SMOBAs 4
The Groupers 2 PPT Parrots 7 Sugar Gliders 3 Touchy Feely 5 PPT Yellow 3
7:30 Tagliatelle 12 Can Probably Touch this 5 EMU-Sing 8 Goodies 4    
Stingers 6 Scrum on Eileen 5 Firsttouch 5 RuPauls Tag Race 3    




Thursday week 13 – Mens Grand finals and playoffs

11th of March, 2021

This week is grand finals and playoffs for mens teams.  In finals there is no extra time so in the event of a draw the team placed higher on the ladder is declared the “winner”.

Importantly teams missing out on grand finals still playoff for final position, so all mens teams will be playing in week 13. Finals games are bolded below and will all be on fields 1 and 4. The winner of the A Grade preliminary final at 6:05 progresses to the grand final at 7:10 PM.

  Field 1 # Field 4 #
6:05 Firsttouch 5    
Lobster Corgi Storm 6    
7:10 EMU-Sing 8 Starsky and Touch 3
Lobster Corgi Storm 4 PPT Funny Ruckers 3

The below games are all friendly matches. We are doing these games a bit differently his week by running two half length games for all teams instead of one full length game.

  Field 2 # Field 4 #
6:20 PPT Blue 4 Cowboys Angels 3
SMOBAS 1 PPT Yellow 1
6:45 Turtles 0 SMOBAS 5
PPT Blue 2 PPT Yellow 2
7:10 Turtles 3    
Cowboys Angels 5    

Published by

Peter Shaw

Has been involved with Touch football since 2000 after return from playing semi professional rugby in England. He is the founder and president of Princes Park Touch.