First Aid Policy

Princes Park Touch Association (PPT) works to ensure the safety and well being of each and every member.

PPT will endeavour  to provide a qualified first aid practitioner at every competition it runs but may not have the personal and resources to always do so.  However the PPT is committed to ensuring that:

Minimum First Aid Requirements

  • First area (adjacent to the ground control desk)
  • A well maintained industry approved First Aid kit
  • PPT will make every effort to have a designated qualified First Aid Officer in attendance
  • Documented and displayed accident procedure
  • Documented and displayed emergency contact numbers
  • Members register with emergency contacts available in the First Aid area
  • Adequate ice

PPT also seeks to ensure that members and first aiders are provided with an awareness of safety practices as part of their personal development. the

Referees and first aiders in charge of members are expected to use their best
endeavours at all times, particularly in emergencies, to secure the welfare of
members at PPT. It is worthwhile to remember that, in general, the
consequences of taking no action are likely to be more serious than those of trying to assist in an emergency.


  • Training and resources will be provided to first aiders to enable
    them to provide rudimentary first aid effectively in the event of accident or injury to members. This assistance will normally be confined to injuries involving minor soft tissue, potential concussion and minor blood letting. Injuries of a more serious nature will require the attendance of a suitably qualifies para-medic or medical practitioner.
  • Referees and first aiders have a duty of care to members to provide
    assistance when required, including calling on qualified assistance when
    necessary as set out in this policy.
  • In every instance, first aid/emergency assistance is a means of supporting
    member health and safety, while awaiting professional medical assistance.
  • Our first aiders should not be involved in the general management of
    pre-existing or ongoing medical conditions.

First aiders’ Responsibilities

  • Designated PPT officials will ensure that all first aiders are made
    aware of rudimentary first aid procedures.
  • If a member becomes unwell at an event, the  staff will arrange for the
    member to be cared for until a parent or suitable guardian is able to reach the
    venue and assume responsibility for care, or until transfer to hospital is
  • In cases of illness or injury, coaches and first aiders will use their best
    endeavours to:
    • In response to an unconscious member, an ambulance should be
    called immediately
    • undertake the procedures necessary to protect life and limb within
    their expertise and experience
    • protect the member from further injury
    • protect others, if necessary, from injury
    • summon suitably qualified personnel or call an ambulance as soon as it is practicable
    • remain with the ill or injured member except when necessary to obtain
    • assist as necessary with arrangements for ambulance transfer,
    attendance by a medical practitioner or other care
    • a member who initiated response to the incident must notify the
    President or Secretary at the earliest possible opportunity
    • Where a member’s condition precludes transfer to a Hospital or Health Centre, one of the admin team will obtain assistance and remain with the member.
  • Every incident which results in a member being referred to a medical
    practitioner or hospital will be reported to the first aider.
  • Any members or any other witnesses to serious injuries should supply
    information to the First aider, so it can be recorded forwarded on to the
    Secretary or President. Information should be limited to simple factual details.


Sports Medicine Australia has produced the Injury Fact Sheet Series highlighting prevention and management for 12 common sporting injuries. These Fact Sheets can be downloaded below or from the SMA website:


Concussion is a brain injury and is defined as a complex physiological process affecting the brain, induced by biomechanical forces. Concussion may be caused by either a direct or indirect blow to the head, face, neck or body causing an impulsive force transmitted to the head.

It is important that all first aid personnel are aware of how to recognise and safely manage concussion.

Emergency Treatment

In the case of any emergency situation the first aider should assess whether the injured members can and should safely be transported to a hospital emergency department by a responsible adult.

If this is not possible or appropriate an ambulance should always be called. Such circumstances would include if an individual has lost consciousness, sustained a head or neck injury, or any other occurrence whereby they cannot physically be moved. It is always recommended you consider any unknown injury or incident to be more severe than it may be, and treat it in that way.

If an ambulance is required call 000, if an ambulance is not required the closes hospital with an emergency department is the Royal Melbourne:

Address: The Royal Melbourne Hospital, 300 Grattan St, Parkville VIC 3052

Injury Report Process

In the event of an injury, participants are encouraged to ensure this is recorded at the game time on the back of the scorecard, and signed off by the Referee, and recorded with Ground Controller. The responsible first aider should also report the incident to President or secretary as soon a s practical.

Injury Report Form

Complete the TFA Injury Report Form at the time of incident regardless of the nature of the injury. This can be downloaded from the link above or found on following page:

And a copy will be available in the procedures folder at the ground.

Medical Treatment

If further treatment is required seek the appropriate medical assistance and keep a record of all receipts and information regarding treatment of the injury.

Insurance Claim

Please see our faq here:

Published by

Peter Shaw

Has been involved with Touch football since 2000 after return from playing semi professional rugby in England. He is the founder and president of Princes Park Touch.