Wednesday week 10 – regular season round 8, state of origin 3

On live rubber state of origin nights we run an abbreviated night with three time slots and extra teams having the bye.

Those playing in the first two timeslots can catch the entire game, and those playing in the third wil miss the first 20 minutes. Our pub sponsors, the Sarah Sands Hotel, will have the game on live. The Sarah Sands is 500 metres from our ground so we suggest you take a voucher and adjourn to the pub for dinner and origin.

Bye: HasBeens, Lakers, KP Phantoms, The Lost Children, Pitch Please, Touch McClatchy, Touched Up, Pretty Astrid

Published by

Peter Shaw

Has been involved with Touch football since 2000 after return from playing semi professional rugby in England. He is the founder and president of Princes Park Touch.