Thursday week 14 – Semi Finals/playoffs

Our last two weeks on Thursdays (weeks 14 and 15) are finals and playoffs for our mixed grades.

The semi final structure is 1 plays 4 and 2 plays 3. In finals there is no extra time so in the event of a draw the team placed higher on the ladder is declared the “winner”.

Importantly teams missing out on finals still playoff for final position (over weeks 14 and 15), so if your team misses finals they will still be playing in weeks 14 and 15.

  Field 1 # Field 2 # Field 3 # Field 4 #
6:00 PPT Yellow 1 Sugar Gliders 6 Stingers 6 touch#metoo. 7
Cowboys Angels 5 Tagliatelle 11 Can’t Touch this 12 The Spy Who Tagged Me 10
6:45 firstTOUCH 7 RuPaul’s Tag Race 14 The Goodies 8 The Groupers 9
Turtles 5 100 Shots 7 Nabtural Talent 1 The Royal Macs 11
7:30 Starsky and Touch 11 Touch Me In the Dark 9 Good times and friends 9 0427249050 – call me 5
PPT Blue 3 Try Babies 5 Touchasaurus 4 No Rucks to Give 7

Bye: Lobster Corgi Storm, SMOBAs


Published by

Peter Shaw

Has been involved with Touch football since 2000 after return from playing semi professional rugby in England. He is the founder and president of Princes Park Touch.