Thursday week 15 – grand finals/playoffs for mens, semi finals for mixed – 24th of February 2022

This week is grand finals and playoffs for mens and semi finals and playoffs for mixed.  In finals there is no extra time so in the event of a draw the team placed higher on the ladder is declared the “winner”.

Field 1 # Field 2 # Field 3 # Field 4 # Field 5 #
6:00 RuPaul’s Tag Race Giancarlo No Rucks to Give RyanThomas Scrum On Eileen Tristan McGrath 100 Shots Robert Mitchell PPT Parrots Peter Shaw
Sugar Gliders Riki Tarau God loves a tryer Charles Tilney Adams Angels Phil Morrison Every Time We Touch Rory Gordon Touchy Feely Ben Rogers
6:20 Touch Potatoes
Touchy Feely
6:45 Turtles Roger Young firstTOUCH RyanThomas Touch For The Very First Time Phil Morrison The Goodies Robert Mitchell Touch Potatoes Peter Shaw
Starsky and Touch Riki Tarau Melbourne Chargers Bill Rjoub Soy Latte Davis Mukuha Cowboys Angels Dean Williams PPT Parrots Reuben Coombes & Jedda Bahloo
7:05 Team Sean Donovan
7:30 Touche Giancarlo PPT Funny Ruckers RyanThomas Tagliatelle Tristan McGrath Lobster Corgi Storm Robert Mitchell Hatch Peter Shaw
PPT Blue Roger Young MUIRTEAM TRFC est. 1945 Bill Rjoub Stingers
Malcolm Thornton
No Hesi Matt Strong PPT Yellow
7:50 PPT Yellow
Team Sean Donovan
By: The Lost Children, Good times and friends