Thursday week 1

Mixed games are half length grading games, men’s and women’s games are full length games

Field 1 # Field 2 # Field 3 # Field 4 # Field 5 #
6:00 The Goodies Roger Young Chargers Mixed Bill Rjoub Tagliatelle RobMitchell Le Poulets Ralph Viane Cowboys Angels Peter Shaw
Touch Potatoes Daniel Dunford Touchy Feely Phil Anderson Stingers Giancarlo Sugar Gliders Phil Morrison PPT Blue Davis Mukha
6:50 Switch 1 Malcolm Thonrton Pink Panthers Bill Rjoub Chargers mens RobMitchell Loins Ralph Viane Green Turtles Peter Shaw
Switch 2 Vijay Ayyapann Wonder Women Riki Tarau No Hesi John Dun Bar The Hoonies Dean Williams & The Yellows Liam Carrington
7:35 Don’t touch me Malcolm Thonrton Try me a river Bill Rjoub How I Tagged your Mother RobMitchell Soy Latte Ralph Viane PPT Funny Ruckers Peter Shaw
Wobbly Knees The Fighting Fantails Giancarlo Every Time We Touch Cameron Billet Good times and friends Anthony Mallon Lobster Corgi Storm Tom Brown
Bye: No Rucks to Give, Only Phans, 100 Shots, RuPaul’s Tag Race, and The Lost Children