National insurance and PPT

The national body for Touch Football: Touch Football Australia (TFA) now require each team to be set up in their system and each of those teams to have a minimum of 8 players paid up against that team in that system. They call the this system “National membership”, but it is not membership. It does however incorporate insurnace so we encourage all players to regster with it

The cost per player is $42 for 12 months but it is applicable to any team you play on nationwide so if you play on more than one night at PPT or elsewhere you don’t need to pay twice.

This is a bad system and the software is separate (and worse) than ours but in order to maintain affiliation it is mandatory. Your team has already been set up by us, in their system. Below is a the easiest way of ensure you are registered with that team in their system:

How to

  1. Go to the PPT teams directory
  2. Search for your team by name in the form in the top right
  3. Click on your team, this should take you to your team page
  4. Click on the link which says “TFA National Insurance Link”
  5. Read the explanation
  6. Click on the “Register with Touch Football Australia” button
  7. This should take you to page of their website which links to your teams listing on their system. From there complete the process on their website.

With the introduction of this system, PPT reduced its fees by the same amount that we previously paid per tea directly to the national body to cover insurance. This new system will actually save the average adult player a small amount but its nevertheless stupid as it adds an extra unnecessary complexity.

Published by

Peter Shaw

Has been involved with Touch football since 2000 after return from playing semi professional rugby in England. He is the founder and president of Princes Park Touch.