Membership benefits

Princes Park Touch goal is to be best place to play social sport in Australia. It is run by and for its members and a such looks after its members far more trhan any comparable sporting organisation.

Members have access to:

  1. A pre season program (games and coaching outside of the regular season provided completely for free).
  2. A referee program
  3. A representative program
  4.  Presidents drinks
  5. Sport played in a proper social atmosphere
  6. Progressive grading ensuring most games are close
  7. A long season.
  8. Flexible fixturing

All these things take time care and money to provide but lead to a far better experience for our members. In exchange we have some reasonable expectations of members which we outline in our membership faq that we expect them to meet.

Published by

Peter Shaw

Has been involved with Touch football since 2000 after return from playing semi professional rugby in England. He is the founder and president of Princes Park Touch.