“El Presidente” Pete Shaw and Princes Park Touch featured in The Age

Brad was the treasurer of Princes Park Touch. Brad has been playing and refereeing with us for five years and is the driving force behind our Affiliates Cup teams
Posted on by Brad Chant
Categories Social Competition“El Presidente” Pete Shaw and Princes Park Touch featured in The Age
Posted on by Brad Chant
Categories General NewsFinally on Saturday we were named TFV affiliate of year, capping of a great year and a lot of work from many people.
Posted on by Brad Chant
Categories RepresentativeOver the next 6 months PPT is targeting representation at the following upcoming tournaments.
There are both competitive and social options in Mens, Mixed and Female divisions. Scheduled training and trail sessions will be held on the dates and locations with potential to add more pending availability:
If you want to know more speak to Brad via email info@princesparktouch.com or ph 0400070077
Posted on by Brad Chant
Categories General NewsCongratulations to “el Presidente” Pete Shaw who was named Administrator of the Year at the recent TFV awards dinner
Posted on by Brad Chant
Categories Social Competition