Tonight’s games are postponed - Archived

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The council contacted me this morning to say they have shut the grounds due to them not draining well enough. All fixtured games will be rescheduled to next week and the season has been extended by a week to accommodate (week 18 has already been added to the fixture).

To be clear this is a council decision, not ours, our approach is always to play but council have ultimate control of the grounds.

By way of background. The responsible person called me last Thursday to flag that they had temporarily shut the grounds but planned to reopen them Monday. I contacted them Monday to confirm they had reopened the grounds and received confirmation they had on Tuesday. However at 10:24AM the responsible person sent me a text saying they had now decided to close them again.

The screenshot above shows the timeline. The grounds probably do need a rest but the on again/off again decisions and late communication from council are not ideal.

See you all next week.

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