Cattle Dog

Wednesdays on the run home - Archived

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PPT Wednesdays are reaching the business end. This Wednesday is week 13 of 15 and the final round of regular season games, but not the end of the season for any team. Here are some points for the run home:

Week 13  is not the end of the season for any team

The most important point, for those teams who are new, is that if your team misses finals, week 13 is not the end of the season. All mixed teams will continue to play in both week 14 and 15, whether they are playing finals or not.

The Big Photo

Great job last week, it is always great to captures such a large number of our members in one photo, it is now on the website here:

Return to 6 PM starts

As the days are getting shorter, this is reminder that the kickoff to the first slot has now returned to 6PM and all timeslots consequently move forward.

Grading and ladders

Leading into the last season round of the regular season most teams have a chance of making the finals. Ladders and draws running into the last week are here:



Note the different finals systems detailed for the various grades, if this unclear please let me know.


Please make sure your team is in uniform, we will be making sure referees are enforcing the penalty provisions for teams not in uniform over the remainder of the season.

Team Lists

If you are teamaptain and you’ve not supplied a team list this season, it is now urgent, please sort it out ASAP.

Get along to the pub

A reminder to socialise after the match, either bring some refreshments to drink in the park, or grab a voucher , they are available win or lose, and get along to our sponsor the great Northern Hotel.

End of season breakup/presentation night

Please schedule a team dinner for our final week (week 15 –  Wednesday the 22nd) in the diary and/or get a leave pass. Attendance is expected for all teams playing in grand finals and highly encouraged for everyone else. All teams will be playing that week, and the plan is a free bbq for teams playing in the first two slots followed by presentations and drinks the Great Northern Hotel.

So lock in dinner at the GNH that night, it is always a great night.

See you all on the field

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