Back for 2018 - Archived

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Categories Social Competition
This content has been archived and may be out of date.

As we return for a new year of touch there have been some changes. So here are the things you need to be aware of:

New field layout

Due to wear and tear some grounds are being rested, but we have replacements. This means the layout you are familiar with has changed. The website has been updated though and the new layout is here:

Please pass this on to you players to minimise disruption tomorrow evening.

Team Photos

Just like over Winter we are getting a photographer down to take some formal team photos. Please cooperate with or photographer,  Xavi, when he requests a photo and get your team organised so we can minimise game impact.

Represent PPT

The second half of our touch season, 2018 also brings the opportunity to represent PPT.

And in particular the the Affiliates/State Cup on Sunday 25th of February 2018 (Social divisions) in Elwood.

We are looking not just for players but for people to captain teams so please let us know if you are keen and spread the word!

Membership of PPT

As a non profit incorporated association devoted to touch football we believe our players should be members. Essential to this is having a complete list. As such we may need to chase up captains of teams with incomplete player details over the break (if your team list is incomplete). Players not listed will not be able to play finals.


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