PPT 2017-18 update - Archived

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Categories Social Competition
This content has been archived and may be out of date.

This week is week 5!


Draws are available here: https://princesparktouch.com/social-competition/

Grades will be subject to change during the first half of the season. After week 9 (Christmas break) I will set grades and draws for the rest of the season. However you can view the current grades and ladders here :


Membership FAQ

To reiterate it is a requirement of entry that team captains and their team have read the membership section of our website including the faq:


Therefore please read it and forward it to your teammates. This is essential and the sections on weather, uniforms, and team availability are particularly important at the moment.


As you can see from the website I every week we take photos, over the course of the season I will try to take a shot of all the teams. All the photo are uploaded to the website and also copied across to Facebook so if you see yourself follow the link to the Facebook album and tag away.


If you need extra players for your team let me know, I have a long list of people wanting to get involved.

Social side

We pride ourselves on being the social comp.

Every week we are inviting 2-4 teams to join us for a drink by the BBQ in an effort to get to know them. But for those not invited that week they are encouraged to bring their own drinks and have a drink in the park post game.

Also week the referees have beer vouchers available so whether you win or lose ask the referee on your field after the match and he should have one for your team and get down to our sponsors the Great Northern Hotel.

So get in the social spirit.

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