On fill ins – an opinionated explainer

On fill ins – an opinionated explainer

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Categories Social Competition

This is the first part of a series explaining why we do things. It is certainly not required reading but hopefully of interest to our members and possibly helpful to other organisations

PPT has many aspects to it including its refereeing, juniors, women’s, and representative programs. However the main thing that we run and that most are familiar with is our week night social touch competition. There are many things that differentiate that competition from others. But one is very different to similar organisations, and that we are often asked to explain, is our attitude to fill ins (a fill in being anyone not on the team list)

Many other organisations encourage fill ins and have Facebook groups to make them easier. We discourage them and expect captains to minimise their use.

Why do we do this? Its probably best to start with our aims and circumstances.

Continue reading On fill ins – an opinionated explainer
Storelocal join PPT

Storelocal join PPT

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Categories Social Competition

We are proud to announce StoreLocal as a major sponsor of Princes Park Touch. Storage is a need we all have from time to time and StoreLocal are the people you should choose. They are conveniently located at 150 Arthurton Road, Northcote and are very reasonable.

We use them and are very happy with the service AND Princes Park Touch members receive a recurring 10% monthly discount on new storage unit rental – just mention us when you book!
