Thursday week 14 – regular season round 11 for mixed – semi finals/playoffs for mens

This week is semi finals for mens teams and the last week of the regular season for mixed teams.

The semi final structure  is 1 plays 4 and 2 plays 3. In finals there is no extra time so in the event of a draw the team placed higher on the ladder is declared the “winner”.

Importantly teams missing out on finals still playoff for final position so if your team misses finals they still play through to end of the season.

Field 1 # Field 2 # Field 3 # Field 4 # Field 5 #
6:00 Cowboys Angels 9 MUIRTEAM TRFC est. 1945 8 PPT Funny Ruckers 10 Starsky and Touch 11 Lost Children 8
100 shots 10 Melbourne Chargers 3 Hatch 3 PPT Yellow 2 Scrum on Eileen 6
6:50 Goodies 8 No Hesi 5 Sugar Gliders 10 Tagliatelle 4 Adams Angels 3
God loves a tryer 2 Touche 8 Rouchy Feely 7 Touch Potatoes 7 Touch For The Very First Time 10
7:35 Soy Latte 9 Lobster Corgi Storm 5 Turtles 10 RuPaul’s Tag Race 4 No rucks to give 4
Good times and friends 2 The Blues 10 FirstTouch 3 Parrots 3 Every time we touch 5
Bye: Team Sean Donovan, Stingers