Winter 2023 – all team photos

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Categories Social Competition

All teams shots for all 27 teams from our Winter 2023 season. Each image links through to a gallery that contains all photos for that teams over all seasons.

Images of week 16 2023 – presentations

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Categories Social Competition
Tags Dunneworthy, Electric Mayhem, Legs O’ Ham United, Sugar Gliders, The Benchwarmers, The Hoonies, Wednesday Referees
Images of week 16 2023 – team shots

Images of week 16 2023 – team shots

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Categories Social Competition
Tags Dunneworthy, La Trobe Eagles, Legs O’ Ham United, Northside Heat, Sugar Gliders, Touched Up, Untouchables

Wednesday week 16 – 23rd of August

This week is grand finals (marked in bold) and playoffs.  In finals there is no extra time so in the event of a draw the team placed higher on the ladder is declared the “winner”.

If you do not see your name horizontally scroll the table to see fields 3 and 4 (might happen on small devices).

Field 1 # Field 2 # Field 3 # Field 4 #
6:10 Tuggeranong Hyperdome Roger Young Legs O’ Ham United📷 Matt Wilson Northside Heat📷 Ralph Viane The Fighting Fantails Andrew Edbrooke
Touch McClatchy Giancarlo Leung & & Paul Avers Untouchables📷 Phil Smith & Maia Morse Pretty Astrid Dylan Shepherd Only Phans Amy Chow & Jono Tay
7:00 Dunneworthy📷 Roger Young The Lost Children Matt Wilson Touched Up📷 Ralph Viane Tryz and Beerz Andrew Edbrooke
Electric Mayhem Giancarlo Leung The Goodies Maia Morse KP Phantoms Dylan Shepherd & Phil Wallis Dodgy Hips Jono Tay
7:50 The Hoonies Roger Young & Paul Avers Sugar Gliders📷 Matt Wilson Not from here Ralph Viane
The Benchwarmers Giancarlo Leung Loins Maia Morse Look but don’t touch Andrew Edbrooke & Dylan Shepherd
8:15 Look but don’t touch
Latrobe Eagles📷
8:40 Not from here
Latrobe Eagles

Latrobe Eagles, Not from here, and Look but don’t touch are running a threeway round robin with half length games equivalent to one full length game.

Jesse Nolan, Phil, Smith, and Amy Chow may be available last slot, depending on their teams plans.