Park life Thursday week 14 2023-24 - Archived

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Categories Social Competition
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Tonight we will be doing announcements before the second and third timeslots IF (and its a big IF) the lights are on

Tonight’s announcements:

Tonight is the last round of the regular season for mixed teams but it is NOT the end of the season for any team. All mixed teams play through to the week 16 (March 7th) and are expected to be there whether they make finals or not. With non finals teams playing friendlies. Lock in the 07th for a drink at the Great Northern Hotel.

Tonight is semi finals and friendlies for men’s teams. Next week (the 29th) which will be the last week of mens. All men’s teams will be playing and are expected to field a on that night whether they make the grand finals or not. Presentations for mens will be on the fields at the end of that night (the 29th) and will incorporate a free BBQ. Please lock it in as we are first and foremost a social organisation.

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