Dunneworthy looking good in red

PPT Split round and Wednesday training - Archived

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Categories , Social Competition
This content has been archived and may be out of date.


I have allocated teams across both legs of the split round, with one exception all teams got their preference. Fixtures for the both legs Wednesday and Thursday, mends and mixed this are available here:

Wednesday: https://princesparktouch.com/social-competition/wednesday-draw/

Thursday: https://princesparktouch.com/social-competition/thursday-draw/


As we have spare fields and referees/coaches for those not fixtured before Christmas we shall also be offering the opportunity for you to have a run before Christmas. On Wednesday on field 4 at 6:30 we shall be running a short training sessions followed by a scratch match. Just show up learn some skills, have a run, and optionally head to the GNH.

This will be a great opportunity to runs of some Christmas kilos.


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