PPT Spring preseason program - Archived

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Categories Learn to play, Placement
This content has been archived and may be out of date.

In an effort to build the social touch community in the inner north of Melbourne, we are again running the PPT Spring pre season program.

In October and November we will be providing team coaching for existing teams and training and refereed scratch matches for unaligned players looking to start playing touch or those just keen to upgrade their skills or get back into it.

The preseason nights will incorporate an interview, coaching and playing components and will be used to assess unaligned players and place them into teams to play in the PPT Summer competition. We have now locked in the following dates, these are in line with the roadmap and approvals .

Our next pre season night is:

  • Thursday the 04th of November at 6:20PM for 6:30


  • The venue is Princes Park, Carlton. We shall be near field 1 on this map. And I´ll have flags up so will be easy to find.


Our pre season nights incorporate:

  1. A short chat with one of our committee to determine individual player experience and what sort of touch you wish to play.
  2. A short training session, with groups broken up by ability.
  3. A refereed scratch match to gauge ability and provide a fun run around

These nights are primarily for individual players. Existing teams wishing to attend and take advantage of some coaching  are welcome but are requested to let us know and we’ll try to allocate an experienced coach specifically for their team.

To receive update on our pre season program and player placement please please fill out the: