PPT path back – update 14th of September - Archived

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Guys a further update on the path back to playing.

We were hoping to running an abbreviated 1-2week Winter seaon but the lockdwn extensions obviously mean that the Winter 2020 season is cancelled.

That means we turn to our main season Summer 2020-21 back in Princes Park on Wednesdays and Thursday evenings. We are currently assessing rules and dates, but on preliminary analysis it looks like training could start from the 26th of October and competition could start from the 23rd of November (both dates subject to case counts).

We are keen to get out there and we already have our “return to play” procedures and approvals in place as we ran two weeks of SWITCH training over Winter). Therefore as soon as it is lega we will be the first to restart. As such we plan to start training in late October by completing our 2020 SWITCH program as well as running at least two pre season nights in early mid November. With our season to start in late November. This loose timeline is obviously subject to change based on the state governments rules and targets.

Details of registration for individuals are here and team registration for Summer 2020-21 will open shortly.

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