Merry Christmas and on to 2020 - Archived

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This content has been archived and may be out of date.

In addition to a typical Christmas message this does also contain some useful info around what we have been up to and our plans for 2020. šŸ˜‰

Issues include, draws, membership, the representative program, and your ideas.

Draws and Grades

Immediately following week 8 (the first week back) we will be finalising the grades and publishing draws for the rest of the season (ie no more weekly/fortnightly draws), any special requests please let me know before then.


As a non profit incorporated association devoted to touch football our players mustĀ be members. Essential to this are:

  1. Having a complete team list. We will hopefully have enhancements to the sign on to link in each player to a team.
  2. Everyone player must have read the membership faq, some clearly have not, and we will chasing up and reminding those teams over the break.

Represent PPT in 2020

As well as the second half of our touch season, 2020 also brings more opportunities to represent PPT.

[lh_ece_ordered_listing category=ā€representativeā€]

Senior Affiliates Cup is the big one, we won it in 2018 (last years was cancelled due to heat). So please spread the word!

YourĀ ideas?

This year we have been investing Ā in making the competition better. Examples are the flags, the marquees, referee jerseys (arriving early 2020) and the representative program I mentioned above. However we welcome your ideas on other things we can do?

Finally enjoy Christmas andĀ hope to see you fighting fit (not fat!), when we return on the 08th and 09th of January

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