Park life 9 – origin 3 - Archived

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This week we are going to address state of origin and representing PPT


This week is the week 9 and one of our state of origin weeks. This means no 9 pm games. The game will be on the big screen at the Doutta Galla Hotel so if you are playing in the first two slots grab a voucher and get along to the pub.

If you are playing in the 3rd slot 8:10, then you have the option of catching the second half at the pub or on the big screen in the clubhouse where you can join Pete and Brad etc for a slice of Pizza or a hotdog

Represent PPT

As well a playing on Wednesdays, as a memer of PPT you are elegible to get involved with our repreentive program. This yearm we were crowned state champions at affilates cup and intend to follow up on that succes by going to multiple turnaments over the coming 12 months.

In the box is a clipboard to add you name to receive more info.

Any questions?