PPT Summer 2016-17 summary and review - Archived

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This content has been archived and may be out of date.
I hope you are having a good off season, the weather was perfect for our final night, there were some close grand finals, 95% of teams played, there was a good turn out at the Great Northern Hotel, and there are some amazing photos and video on the website.

We’ve wrapped up the admin from the Summer season and are now preparing for our upcoming Winter season starting in May. I’ll send a separate email with info on Winter season, but details are already on the website here:


However the reason for this email is to ask for your thoughts. We think we are the best comp in Melbourne (at least socially) but we can improve and whilst Brad and I do try to get out and talk to teams it can be difficult to see everyone. So this email is to ask for your thoughts on the most recent Summer season (hope its not stretching your memory).

Personally the two big challenges was a refereeing shortage in the second half of our season and the fact that the council are not allowing floodlight use over Summer (citywide), necessitating a 6PM start. I’m aware of both those things and will be doing further referee recruitment and meeting the council.

However if there is anything else that you or your teammates think we can improve upon or any feedback (good or bad), we would appreciate it. Email or call is fine or call or if you or your teammates wish to send anonymous feedback leave a message here:


If you want it to be anonymous just use a fake email in the comment form

We are a comp that is run for and by its members so we really want to hear from our players, so have a think and pass it on to your team mates.


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