PPT 2016-17 starts this week - Archived

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Categories Social Competition
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Competition starts this week on the 19th of October and the draw for week 1 has been published and is available here: https://princesparktouch.com/social-competition/

Note some teams have the bye in week 1, our comp is 16 weeks long so teams will all play 13-14 games which is more than any touch comp in Melbourne.

Weeks 1 and 2 are a grading rounds with two half length games for all teams. These round along with your team nomination will be used to determine your teams ultimate grade for regular season play. Given there are plenty of new teams mismatches in grading may (and probably will) occur. But grading enables us to match teams closely over the remainder of the season.

Please also note there is a small chance that the city of Melbourne may not have completed ground marking by the 19th, however in the unlikely event we will be proceed regardless with temporary markings. Given this is grading this will not compromise the competition and the alternative is that teams miss out on a week (this is extremely unlikely in any case).

Individual Payers

If your team needs more players I do have more floating around, so let me know.

We are looking to bring on new referees this season, and many are beginning with us this season. But we are looking to bring on more. So if you are a referee, know a referee or are keen to join the refereeing ranks please let us know. It is ab great opportunity to have fun, keep fit, make friends, earn money, and will make you a better player.

The Pavilion and parking

For new players a map to the ground is available on the website, for those needing to use toilets or get changed we also have access to the Southern pavilion which is located next to the grounds (near field 3) on Royal Parade

Teams Fees

Full fees for the season are $1290 ($490 deposit plus $800 residual). For those teams who have not yet paid their deposit ($490) they are now overdue and Brad will be chasing them from you.

Pub Sponsor and social side

We are the social competition, so  please grab a snag from our BBQ or get down to the Great Northern and have a drink in the beer garden. Every week the referees have beer vouchers available so whether you win or lose ask the referee on your field after the match and he should have one for your team

  • One voucher per team per night
  • vouchers only valid on the night of competition

Most Importantly

Make sure you and all your team have read and understand the FAQ on the website: https://princesparktouch.com/membership/

It is a condition of entry of our comp but more importantly has vital information for both players and team captains.

It will be great to be back.

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