This is just a general update to let you all know about some important things to round out the year..
Draws and results are available here:
The bottom three grades have now been set, after this week the top two grades will be split and a draw for the rest of the season will be published.
Also note that during December and early January the kick off of the first game has been pushed back to 6:10 PM.
Numbers required on uniforms in 2016
We have received some questions about uniforms and what constitutes a uniform. For the first 7 rounds the only requirement is that a team is clothed in tops (t-shirt, polo, etc) of a similar colour. The tops do not need to be the same but they do need to be close enough in colour and design that the referee can tell players are on the same team.
in 2016 the same policy applies to unique numbers on the back, numbers can be in taped on but they must be legible to the referee. Teams may be penalised for players not in uniform. The penalty will be in the form of tries per player not clothed in matching top awarded to the non offending team (up to a maximum of 2 tries).
BBQ, Great Northern Hotel and Christmas
As this is the last round before Christmas our sponsor the Great Northern Hotel will have extra drink vouchers available and teams are encouraged to get along to the pub afterwards to continue the tradition of social touch in the heart of Melbourne and for those who want a bite to eat before or after the game we will be bringing out the BBQ again this Wednesday and have sausages and drinks for sale,
I hope to see you out there this Wednesday on the field and hopefully at the pub afterwards but if not a merry to Christmas to you all